I’ve upgraded from CVS and I’ve ended up with two extra pulldowns with dont pulldown on the Fee Sheet.
The second ones did not seem to do anything they only stated Established Patient and New Patient (these are located right under the pulldown ones).
If I remove superbill New Patient and Established Patient from list_options it goes away.
Yes, the Fee Sheet was changed to (among other things) support two different ways of defining the drop-lists.
The first way works via fee_sheet_options which can be customized via the "Fee Sheet" list in the "Lists" administrative interface.
The second way works by assigning group names, also in the "Lists" administrative interface, but using the "Service Category" list. Here you define categories than can then be assigned to individual codes when you define and edit codes in the superbill.
This will be cleaned up more soon, before we do a release.