February Calendar Issue

michelle-807 wrote on Monday, April 13, 2009:

We have 2.9.1 running with the Calendar UI being Outlook. The Calendars for February are skewed in the years 2009, 2010, 2014 and I’m sure there are more. For instance February 2009 - February started on a Sunday and ended on a Saturday - but after that there are 2 more weeks showing (March 2009).

The only reason I bring it up is that in our case we added a couple of things for our office in that area and when February is brought up and takes up more space, it causes issues.

I don’t think that it’s a big deal, but something to be aware of in case it is causing more of an issue than we realize at this time.


cfapress wrote on Monday, April 13, 2009:

Hi Michelle,

I’m trying to reproduce this error.

When you see the two extra weeks are they appearing in the small month calendar to the left of the main schedule? Or are they appearing at the bottom of the main schedule’s month-view calendar? Also, on what day of the week does your calendar being, Sunday? Does this problem appear when you print the calendar?


michelle-807 wrote on Monday, April 13, 2009:

I see it at the bottom. I have pictures of it happening, but can’t add them to my message - so below is what it looks like in plain text.
February 2009
M   T   W   T   F   S   S
2    3   4    5   6   7  8
9   10  11  12  13 14 15
16 17  18  19  20 21 22
23 24  25  26  27 28  1
2   3   4    5   6   7   8
9   10  11  12  13  14 15

It is the small calendar to the left of the doctors’ schedules. 
I just found something interesting - In day and week view of the schedule the little calendar shows 7 weeks in February - but in the month view of the schedule the little calendar is as it should be just showing 5 weeks - because it starts with Monday.

This is happening on our Dev machine as well as  the live machine. And the Live machine doesn’t have the change we made yet running.


cfapress wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2009:

Thanks Michelle, I found the bug and have fixed it. It is only an on-screen presentation bug and should not affect your data at all. At worst, it creates confustion for your users.

The corrects have been made to the development code in CVS, if you’re interested in checking out the latest and greatest bug fixes.


michelle-807 wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2009:

Thank you so much! I am glad that it was just a cosmetic issue and not more than that.
We’ll be grabbing that code and testing it out.
Thanks much,