Fatal error by deleting deceased date field on Demographic from

lasan13 wrote on Wednesday, February 25, 2015:

i wanted to hide the choice, stats and mise sections from the Demographic area. So I made the all UOR filed as "unsued in choice,stats and Mise groups but Deceased date and deceased reason fileds are not saved as unused and it remain as optional. So i delete two rows. now there is fatal error in the system. Is there way to re insert those fields?

mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, February 25, 2015:

When you deleted the fields in layout (instead of marking them ‘Unused’), they were deleted from patient_data table. You can either add those using layouts or Admin -> Other -> Database. Unfortunately if you had any data in those fields, it will have to be restored from backups.

This is one of the glaring design deficiencies of layout feature. Use it carefully.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, February 25, 2015:

Another option is to re-insert the first 2 rows of the Misc group using the 4.1.2 or 4.2.0 Demo as a template.

lasan13 wrote on Thursday, February 26, 2015:

Thanks both of you. I have fix it by adding those field to patient_data table manually.
I think there is problem in UOR of deceased_date filed in the mise group. i cant save it as unused. It always shows as optional
anyway thanks again