Failure at 255 log entries

opemrmac wrote on Thursday, April 17, 2008:

I am testing the feasibility of using OpenEMR in my clinic and have run into a problem with the log file. After 255 uses of the log file, I am no longer able to use OpenEMR and receive the following message:

ERROR: insert failed: insert into log (date, event, user, groupname, comments) values (NOW(), ‘login’,‘admin’,‘MFA Hilmar’,‘success’) (Duplicate entry ‘9151314442816848000’ for key 1)

When I look at the log database the first entry in the “id” column is 1 then: 72057594037927900, 72057594037927900, 144115188075855000, 144115188075855000… the numbers increase as 18-digit numbers paired with a leading “1”, then paired with a leading “2” until “9” and then it becomes a 19-digit number with the a paring of 2 entries with the same leading 5-digit sequence until we get to 9151314442816840000 and then no more entries are possible.

I am using:
OpenEMr 2.8.3
MySQL Server version: 5.0.51a
Server version: 5.0.51a
Server version: 5.0.51a
MacOS 10.4.11

Shouldn’t the id column incrementally increase by one with each use of the log file?  I am not a MySQL master, but I tested something out and it appears that MyISAM tables increment by some kind of pre-determined series of numbers (1,2234456,2234457,3454432,…), while InnoDB tables increment by 1 (1,2,3,4,5…). Is there something wrong in the way I set up MySQL or the files for OpenEMR? You can barely get through two patient visit before logging 255 log entries, so I must have done something wrong.  Additionally, I have found that the increment of increase is 72,057,594,037,92X,X00.  The X values change throughout the series.

This is driving me up the wall.


David Stewart, PA-C