Facing issue while installing the OpenEMR. Getting error as : Fatal error: Cannot unset $this

I tried to install this software, but I am facing this issue :
Fatal error: Cannot unset $this in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\vendor\adodb\adodb-php\adodb-xmlschema.inc.php on line 160 after creation of the database.

I had attached the screenshot of the error.
Had user OpenEMR version 5.0.0
Wampp version : 7.2.1

Can you please check the below thread, so that you might get an idea to resolve the issue.


I didn’t find any solution to my issue.
I used OpenEMR version 5.0.0
windows 8
php 7.2
Still facing the same issue. I am using this for the first time, can you please suggest what can I do to solve this issue. Or should I change the version of php.

Can you please try by upgrading the adodb version to “adodb/adodb-php” : “5.20.9”
If it doesnot works degrade the php version to 7.1 and check again.
We assume that changes have been made on the development version 5.0.1 but not still not in 5.0.0 as per the below link Adodb + php7.1 (and other php 7.1 compatibility issues) · Issue #488 · openemr/openemr · GitHub
