Facility errors new install

aperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, August 15, 2007:

It seems that specialty is missing from the facility table.  I added the column manually and go past the error.  What is it function and how is it defined.  Its not on the add New Facility screen.  I searched the .sql files and did not find any reference to it.

ERROR: query failed: insert into facility set name=‘Professional’, phone=’’, fax=’’, street=’’, city=’’, state=’’, postal_code=’’, country_code=’’, federal_ein=’’, specialty=’’, facility_npi=’’ (Unknown column ‘specialty’ in ‘field list’)


aperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, August 15, 2007:

FYI:  It is fresh out of CVS.

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, August 16, 2007:

It appears that a developer neglected to test before checking in a change.  I committed a fix.
