Export form data as comma separated list -

wjbaptis wrote on Monday, July 29, 2013:

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to create a form where the data can be downloaded as a comma separated list? I would like to import the data into WORD and have the clinician sign-off on. Thanks.

mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, July 30, 2013:

phpMyAdmin, which gets installed with the package, has the Export function.

If the information is available in patient report, try pdf output for clinician to sign off.

wjbaptis wrote on Thursday, August 01, 2013:

When I create a form, is there a way to output to pdf? Is there documentation/example I can look at? Thanks.

yehster wrote on Thursday, August 01, 2013:

OpenEMR includes two libraries (ezpdf and html2pdf) to generate .PDF files in specific forms. There is no generic “form to pdf” functionality.
For an example of how using ezpdf, check out interface/forms/vitalts/growthchart/chart.php.

wjbaptis wrote on Monday, August 05, 2013:

Thanks Kevin.