Exiting Fee Sheet Issue

There is an issue with Fee Sheet returning to Encounter Top when opened from Fees->Fee Sheet tab menu, okay from encounter form.
Reason is that encounter top for summary does not exist so encounter is opened to nearest frame, tabs in this case, wiping out tab menu.
Will add fix on my next PR for billing.
Anyone notice any other issue with fee sheet while I’m in this code?

Fixed the exit and also modified default rendering provider to current logged in user.
Also I’m seeing an issue that if add new code then edit code and search again and add new code without saving, previous changes don’t persist. This means work flow is, add all codes, edit then save.

Regarding save. Did not the fee sheet use to be able to save and remain in sheet? Should we have a ‘Save’ and a ‘Save and Exit’ or allow Refresh to save. Any disagreements?

that sounds good @sjpadgett, also noticed that will lose modifiers if you enter them before justifying the charges

This is resolved in following P.R