Exclusions & Rule for Child Immunization

loutran63 wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2011:

Hi Brady,

I found in the latest 4.1 code that there are no exclusions for some of the CQM items.  Is this part not yet completed?  The latest status led me to believe otherwise.  http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/OpenEMR_Certification.

Also, I looked in clinical_rules and saw rule_child_immun_stat_cqm.  However, there are no such rule in Administration->Rules.  Is there a reason why it is not there?

Thanks for your clarification.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2011:


The cqm rulessets are not stored in the database like the standard rule sets. They are instead hard-coded and kept here:

They show up in the reports at Administrion->Clinical->Quality Measures (CQM)

There are still some minor TODO’s left for the CQM rules, which are described near the bottom of this page:


loutran63 wrote on Thursday, June 09, 2011:

Guess I need to take a look at the code itself to see what are missing as well.  Thanks, Brady.