On a test OpenEMR on Debian I’m trying to merge 2 patient records. I understand this feature is experimental. The target patient has much more data than the source patient, and their SSN and DOB are identical. I receive the following error:
Changing patient ID for document xxx.pdf
Changing patient ID for document xxx.pdf
UPDATE clinical_rules_log SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ? (54)
UPDATE employer_data SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ? (1)
UPDATE form_encounter SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ? (6)
UPDATE forms SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ? (6)
DELETE FROM history_data WHERE pid = ? (1)
DELETE FROM insurance_data WHERE pid = ? (3)
UPDATE lists SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ? (1)
UPDATE lists_touch SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ? (1)
Query Error
ERROR: query failed: UPDATE lists_touch SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ?
Error: Duplicate entry '328-medical_problem' for key 'PRIMARY'
...interface/patient_file/merge_patients.php at 91:sqlStatement
.../interface/patient_file/merge_patients.php at 219:updateRows(lists_touch,pid,50,328)
Is there any way I can make this more likely to succeed?