Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in interface/patient_file/encounter/superbill_custom_full.php on line 529 > ICD9 Diagnosis
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in interface/patient_file/encounter/superbill_custom_full.php on line 529 > CPT4 Procedure/Service
I’ve installed with xampp previously and have not experienced this. This is my first regular install on a linux server. Any idea what is causing this.
instructions for php.ini config indicate turning off warnings and notices.
openemr is full of that and needs someone to clean it up. any college
interns out there?
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in
interface/patient_file/encounter/superbill_custom_full.php on line 529 >
ICD9 Diagnosis
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in
interface/patient_file/encounter/superbill_custom_full.php on line 529 >
CPT4 Procedure/Service
I’ve installed with xampp previously and have not experienced this. This
is my first regular install on a linux server. Any idea what is causing
This did indeed fix the problem. I’m concerned with the recommendation of turning off warnings and notices. Seems like this would prevent us from seeing an real problem if one occurred. Thanks again for the info.
Turning display_error=off is a standard thing to do in a non-development environment. It only prevents that only prevents them from being sent to stdout.
Such warning and notices are still sent to the Apache log file for review.
turning off warnings and notices in a production system only prevents the log file from getting to outrageously large and hard to read when there’s a real error.
developers should leave warnings on and fix them which they don’t.