Error message in printing medication after upgrade

After upgrading OpenEMR v. 6 to 7.0.1 the print function in the medication window stopped working. it generates an error message


fatal error: call to undefined function imagecreatefromstring() …
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.0.1

I’m using: chrome

Operating System
I’m using: linux via xampp on windowa

Did you search the forum for similar questions? yes

Did you check the logs?
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All

Hi Divya, Thanks so much for replying, will try this and update back.

Hi Divya,

It worked, thanks so much, it is appreciated it. :grinning: