Error Installing Version 5.0.2

Do you have phpmyadmin? If so, what do you see in the Collation column for the openemr database when you look at the Databases screen?

I think this is the error… It is latin something. I am changing it and testing.

Hi @brady.miller, I am getting the same >8126 error for (form_eye_neuro table) with openemr version 5.0.2 on windows 10 running xampp version 7.3.10. I am thinking that I will not need this form and I should remove it from the installation. Would you know which installation file I should edit to get rid of this form? Also do you know anyone who can provide online support for a fee during the installation and configuration of openemr?

Hi @ybm2019 ,
This should of been fixed in the most recent patch (and packages) that was just released several days ago. When did you download the OpenEMR 5.0.2 package?

Hi @BradyMiller,
Many thanks indeed. The issue has been resolved following your very helpful response. I had downloaded the OpenEMR 5.0.2 package on 14 October 2019. Applying the patch released on 15 October 2019 to it was returning a blank page with http://localhost/openemr. Following your response, I downloaded the OpenEMR 5.0.2 package again and its installation proceeded successfully.

@ybm2019 @brady.miller @konsyr11 how did you manage to solve the installation problem above. I can not circumvent it. It has taken me more than 4 hours trying everything. I’m trying to install OpenEMR 5.0.2 on a shared hosting.

I am using MariaDB, after i change my collation of the database in PHPMyadmin to utf8_general_ci . Then i install again from step 1. Problems solved. Remember to drops all table, columns in that database before you comeback to step 1 to install again. You also need Docker.

Before that, i used other collations such as utf8mb4_unicode_ci. >>> That makes error.
@Quantice, @konsyr11 : you can set collation to utf8_general_ci and try.

Hi I am getting the same error. i am on 5.0.1 and I want to go to 6 but when i move to 5.0.2 the error row size too large happens . i used utf8 and utfmb4 and no difference. what are your thoughts? i have only recently down loaded the 5.0.2.
thank you!

hi @Nik_Gkampranis, d/l v6 and try the upgrade.

Thanks this work for me