Error in translation from English to Spanish

Error in translation from English to Spanish

Hello everyone, a while ago I have been working with openEMR, and I have fixed several errors in the translation of English into Spanish, in space to Latin, I will go in this post leaving some of my comments as contributions so that in the following version can include it.

such as: where “Name” in Spanish only appears the letter “e” as a translation.

P.S. my english is not very good XD

Hello eliseoiie,

We also checked this scenario and found something weird here, 
  1. On choosing the language Spanish(Spain) its working fine.For “name” it gives “nombre”
  2. But the option Spanish(Latin American) , For “name” it gives “e”
  3. Whereas when checked for “DOB” it is displayed as “F.Nacim.” in both Spain and Latin American.
@Brady – Can you please check whether it is a bug or not.  


Hi @eliseoiie and @visolveemr ,

On the google doc translation spreadsheet, the translation(for Latin American Spanish) was set to ‘e’. I set it to ‘Nombre’ (@eliseoiie , let me know if this is correct ). Can see details on the translation project here:


Hello Brady,

Thanks for the update . We have checked the demo translation instance ( ") and it remains the same.Do we need to change any settings in openemr ?
Please check the demo instance .
Please refer the attached screen shot from the demo instance.


Hi @visolveemr ,

This is more of a timing issue. The daily sql translation build from the spreadsheet happens every day at 5:00 pm EST, but the demos update at 1:00 am EST. Also, I updated the link in the translation wiki page to use the new demo. All the 3 daily development demos here will be using the most updated translation set (and should be showing the correct Spanish translation for Name now ):


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Hello Brady,
Thanks for the update. We did check the demo instance and it is working fine.


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