I believe that “system”: “http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203” should reference the “assigning authority” (or patient identifier domain) that issues this patient identifier. Since it is coded as “PT” (external patient identifier) it should state systems such as as the “S.S.” identifier (which has system = http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-ssn)
Possible solution would be to use the OID linked to the facility that created this patient record.
In the above snippet the ssn|12345 is the identifier I entered in the S.S. field in the patient demographics window. 192 is the number I entered for External ID. The urn:oid value I entered in the configuration under Admin | Clinic |Facilities | → OID field.
I furthermore would expect that the patient’s License/ID number is also added to the patient.identifier array (if know). I assume this is the patient’s driver license id. As the issue state doesn’t seem to be captured the following identifier seem reasonable.
Since patients can attend multiple facilities in the same EMR installation, I’m guessing you’d want to use the primary business facility’s oid. As I mentioned in another post, feel free to open a feature request issue to request this change in the FHIR api.