Error during installing openemr

lucky78 wrote on Sunday, January 05, 2014:


when installing openemr i get error such as

Step 3

Configuring OpenEMR…

Connecting to MySQL Server… OK.
Creating Main tables… OK
Creating Language Translation (utf8) tables… OK
Creating CVX Immunization Codes tables… OK
Writing SQL configuration… OK.
Setting version indicators… ERROR. ERROR. Unable insert version information into database

User ‘openemrdb’ has exceeded the ‘max_questions’ resource (current value: 75000) (#1226)

Pls help


mdsupport wrote on Sunday, January 05, 2014:

Google ‘max_questions MySQL’ - Number of queries the user can execute within one hour. Looks like your MySQL needs to be configured to allow higher number of updates - at least during installation. Check MySQL forums for the steps.

visolveemr wrote on Monday, January 06, 2014:

Execute the following queries from your mysql login.

    use mysql; //Go to mysql database
    update user set max_questions = 0 where user = 'openemrdb'; // Update the max_questions value for user "openemrdb" to 0, which means unlimited.
    flush privileges; //Flush the privileges to make the changes take affect.

OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,
ViSolve Inc

lucky78 wrote on Tuesday, January 07, 2014:


My hosting company does not provide access to increase the max_questions .
Pls tell me if Openemr execute 75000 queries per hour

Please tell me a way to install Openemr without getting this error. Is there any way to install manually by importing DB created in localserver


mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, January 08, 2014:

You can break the database.sql file used to load initial data into blocks of 70K records. Using another hosting company with more control over the database will not hurt either.