I installed openemr on a web server (folder=emr) and everything seemed to go fine. When I tried to start it I got the following error, does anyone know what i need to change?
Warning: main(/var/www/html/emr/library/sql.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/…/public_html/emr/library/translation.inc.php on line 2
Warning: main(): Failed opening ‘/var/www/html/emr/library/sql.inc’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/…/public_html/emr/library/translation.inc.php on line 2
In fact I installed it on a shared server where I already have a website running. I created a folder ‘emr’ where I uplaoded the content and I ran it from there. So I guess you are right it is the first option(/home/…). The file was openemr-2.8.1.tar.gz.
I have to say that I am new to this and I am not good at linux. I have been dealing with php scripts such as postnuke, mambo, phpbb etc. sofar and I assumed openemr would work the same. I also tried to run it on my PC (I have phpdev installed) and I got the same error…
I hope this information can help you figure out what the issue is… Thanks!
It looks like you pointed to the problem. I edited the $webserver_root and it seems to work, but now I have a new problem: I spent so much time looking for a solution that I forgot the name and password I set. It looks like I will have to re-install the whole thing.
mysql>UPDATE user SET password=md5(‘mypass’) where user=‘openemr’;
Select a valid password and substitute it for mypass.
If you do not have root access on the shared server things can act strangely. The administrator of the server may have things set in non-standard configurations for security reasons.
If someone else controlls the server you not be able to perform a standard install without the help and cooperation of the server administrator.
The first problem may be that you don’t know what the true webapth is (and they may not want to tell you).
It’s far easier to start with a server that you control.
We can help more if we know the OS of the server, MySQL version, Apache version, PHP version, OpenEMR version.