I am trying follow up on why some claims were not paid and am having trouble locating the ERA’s for these claims (which were previously uploaded).
I read the “Review EDI History Module” and it would appear that these ERA’s should be available in Fees: EDI History: CSV Tables tab. But the “Select CSV table:” dropdown is empty (no Batch files, Batch claims, ERA claims, ERA files, etc.).
The Review EDI History Module states “On first use the list is empty; more types are added as they are processed into the module.” I filled in Percent, Start Date, and End Date, then clicked Submit, but got the error: “Error in CSV table name”
Next, I tried Fees: EDI History: ERA Files tab. Searching via Patient ID, Encounter, and Check Number all returned “Did not find [xyz] in data.”
Any suggestions as to what I’m missing, or if I’m looking in the wrong places?
Dr Talerico- did you make the tmp directory as detailed in the “Review EDI History Module” docs? Without it the module will act as if it’s working but will not display anything in that CSV dropdown menu.
You also have to be sure to hit the ‘Process’ button after browsing to and uploading the files. After all that, a popup will appear saying the files were successfully uploaded. If you didn’t see a popup, or it didn’t say ‘success’ then nothing will appear in the CSV dropdown, much less in the ERA Files tab.
Rgds- HT
Thanks, Harley. I know my IT guy created the tmp directory because it wasn’t possible to upload ERAs without it. ERAs now successfully upload and, when I hit “process” they post correctly to the patients’ accounts. Does that indicate the presence of the tmp directory or would all that be possible without it?
Hi Dr T-
Did I misunderstand which module you’re using? You’re talking about ERAs successfully posting to pts’ accounts; that’s a function of the ‘Batch Payments’ module, in the ERA Posting tab. The module described in "Review EDI History Module” is what’s in the nav menu under ‘EDI History’ and it doesn’t post to pt accounts.
The two modules are totally separate and don’t interact in any way. The tmp directory in those instructions is required by the EDI History module and is only used by that module. Uploading and posting ERAs uses OpenEMR’s own temp directory configured in Globals.
it would be great for the upload of the 835 in the era posting to also upload the file into the edi history module for the processing of a new file there
Harley, thanks for that clarification. I was under the assumption that the ERAs uploaded would be available to both modules, as Stephen has suggested.
Is there a logistical problem with setting OpenEMR up this way? If not, I can task this to the developers I am using and, after testing it, we can add it to the github.
It’s not a logistical problem, but one of coding: the modifications required to make the modules work together would probably be really involved. And then there’s the fact that the EDI History module itself still needs a fair amount of work before it’s ready to be incorporated into a production system.
Also, while the ‘EDI History’ code is Open Source and is released with OpenEMR, before having your devs dive into it, it would be a good idea to contact Kevin McCormick, who created the module, and I hear has been doing new work on it recently.
There should be a tab to view an edi (x12) file which would allow you to see the era payment details.
To make EDI History work kind of automatically, the other edi code would have to save the edi files into the appropriate edihistory/type directory or a better edi file storage scheme. Otherwise, you have to upload the files through the EDI History new files process. The “process new” routine simply checks whether the file names in the respective directories are also in the csv table. If they are not referenced, they are new and are “processed” by getting information for the csv table. The csv table is just references to the saved edi files to find batch or individual claim transactions. I don’t know what the problem with the temporary directory is, but in the file /interface/billing/edi_history_main.php there may be a constant IBR_UPLOAD_DIR as /tmp/edihist/ so this directory has to exist. I like the new version much better and I think one could simply replace the old files with the new (no directory issues). I plan some work on the jquery dialog, but haven’t had time. Anyone wanting to work on the code should use the new files IMHO.