ERA Issues

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, May 11, 2011:

We just upgraded from version 3.2 to 4.0. The system is running on the xxamp installed instance, windows 2003. Here are the errors we are getting.

I know to clear the tmp folder to clear some of these errors but the line 625 error has me stumped.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\East\interface\billing\sl_eob_process.php on line 625
I did this with 2 different ERA files & got the same message….I guess this means the old way doesn’t work??? So, I tried ERA posting (with one of the same ERA files as above) in the “new” Payment section & got the following 2 messages:
Warning: Set 20110509_50939839_ was already uploaded and processed.
Warning: rename(C:\xampp\tmp\php371.tmp,C:/xampp/htdocs/East/sites/default/era/20110509_50939839_.edi) : File exists in C:\xampp\htdocs\East\interface\billing\era_payments.php on line 82
Then I tried to upload an ERA file that I hadn’t previously tried to upload under the “old way”.  With this method I got a “new window” which displayed the blue lines & green colored lines showing successful application of data BUT at the top of this window I got the follow message:
INSERT INTO ar_session( payer_id,user_id,closed,reference,check_date,pay_total,post_to_date,deposit_date,patient_id,payment_type,adjustment_code,payment_method ) VALUES ( ‘247’,66,0,‘ePay - 139#68557’,‘20110506’, 672.88, ‘2011-05-06’,‘2011-05-10’, 0,‘insurance’,‘insurance_payment’,‘electronic’)
Since I got a message, I went into the patients account to verify that the payment & adjustment sucessfully posted and IT DID NOT.  So where do we go from here?  Is there a step I’m missing?  I extracted the data in the Zipped File but is there something else that needs to be done?  I’d hate to go back to manually posting these ERA’s since we just got the uploading & auto-posting working under the old version.
Any suggestions would be nice,

Thanks All,


juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

I have been studying the code
I have watched the system. The file is imported and the .html file is created with the same name as the uploaded era file.
The system does that much. This piece of code is to set the two files equal right?

echo “<!- Notes from ERA upload processing:\n”;
    $alertmsg .= parse_era($tmp_name, ‘era_callback’);
    echo “->\n”;
    $erafullname = $GLOBALS . “/era/$eraname.edi”;

    if (is_file($erafullname)) {
      $alertmsg .= "Warning: Set $eraname was already uploaded ";
      if (is_file($GLOBALS . “/era/$eraname.html”))
        $alertmsg .= "and processed. ";
        $alertmsg .= "but not yet processed. ";
    rename($tmp_name, $erafullname);
  } // End 835 upload

    if ($eracount) {
      // Note that parse_era() modified $eracount and $where.
      if (! $where) $where = ‘1 = 2’;
    else {
      if ($form_name) {
        if ($where) $where .= " AND “;
        // Allow the last name to be followed by a comma and some part of a first name.
        if (preg_match(’/^(.*\S)\s*,\s*(.*)/’, $form_name, $matches)) {
          $where .= “p.lname LIKE '” . $matches . “%’ AND p.fname LIKE '” . $matches . “%’”;
        // Allow a filter like “A-C” on the first character of the last name.
        } else if (preg_match(’/^(\S)\s*-\s*(\S)$/’, $form_name, $matches)) {
          $tmp = ‘1 = 2’;
          while (ord($matches) <= ord($matches)) {
            $tmp .= " OR p.lname LIKE '” . $matches . “%’”;
            $matches = chr(ord($matches) + 1);
          $where .= "( $tmp ) ";
        } else {
          $where .= “p.lname LIKE ‘%$form_name%’”;

When the ERA file is imported it creates 20110506_50639692_.edi file from the imported file.
From what I understand the file is going to be set equal to 20110506_50639692_.html and compared to the .edi file.

I think this is where the break down occurs in that the line.

The whole name of the ERA file is not getting passed because inside the .html file it has this

<b>Warning</b>:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\East\interface\billing\sl_eob_process.php</b> on line <b>625</b><br />
<script language=“JavaScript”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“paydate” value="" />
<input type=“hidden” name=“post_to_date” value="" />
<input type=“hidden” name=“deposit_date” value="" />
<input type=“hidden” name=“debug” value=“0” />
<input type=“hidden” name=“InsId” value="" />
<input type=“hidden” name=“eraname” value=“20110506_50639692_” />    <------- the file name is incomplete.

What file passes back this file name?
This is what is throwing the error. If the right file name was passed back. The parse would go through.

Hi, could someone fill in the blanks for me? Please, thank you.


sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

You might check with Z&H, it looks like Paul Simon made some extensive changes to that script back in January, including the code around line 625.


zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

juggernautsei, you are at the right place for posting the ERA in the new Payment module.
We have kept an option for a visual display of how the era will look after posting.
You posted the era with that option.To actually post the era there is a “Without Update” check box in the ERA Payment screen.
Remove the tick and post, it will get posted.A warning may come for this particular era(saying that it is uploaded but not processed).Ignore it and continue.
If still any issue please let us know.

Paul Simon K

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

We just tried it in the manor discribed and I will repeat our steps to you in this message for clarity sake.

Click Billing > EOB > Browse > Locate file 289.RPT > (click) Search
next screen comes up showing patients and invoice numbers

check box without update and click the button Process ERA - the next screen does not have the error message about line 625 and there is nothing on this screen.

I addition when we check the patients record there is no record update for the payment seen on the screen.

Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.


zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

The link is not Billing.It is as follows
Fees->Payments.In that screen take ERA Posting.
Now do as described in the earlier post.

Paul Simon K

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:


When I click Fees > Payments > ERA Posting (Browes for file) > Post
It prompts for Select Insurance by Type. What are we to put there?

zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

Type in the 3 letters of the insurance company of the payment

Paul Simon K

zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

A drop down will come from which you can select the correct one.

Paul Simon K

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

ERA Solved!
Account updated.

A thousand thank you


zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

You are welcome.

Paul Simon K