ERA deposit date

harleytuck wrote on Tuesday, May 05, 2015:

Can somebody tell me where the date of deposit is gotten from when a
payment is made by ERA file?
Thanks- Harley

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fsgl wrote on Wednesday, May 06, 2015:

If it’s not the ERA process date or stated in the advice, the practice will need to check the bank’s website.

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 06, 2015:

The issue is that there does not appear to be any way to enter the Deposit date manually for an ERA. Many of the times the ERA itself comes many days after the actual deposit and therefor the date of deposit in OpenEMR is incorrect.

We are trying to see if we missed anything like, perhaps, the actual date of deposit being contained in the ERA download but NOT be stored or used correctly.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 06, 2015:

According to Kevin: the ERA field BPR16 is the date of deposit … will do some digging and see what there is to see.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, May 07, 2015:

Hi Harley,

There are some hints in Help. See attachment 1.

If you have entered a Pay Date in the search page, this will override the posting date of payments and adjustments that are otherwise taken from the X12 file. This may be useful for reporting purposes, if you want your receipts reporting to use your posting date rather than the insurance company`s processing date. Note that this will also affect dates of prior payments and adjustments that are put into secondary claims.

See what you get with different entries in attachment 2.

With manual posting the Deposit Date is the date of posting by default. If you can get what you want in ERA Posting, it’s a lot easier than mucking about with manual entry.

If all else fails, have a look in openemr/interface/billing/era_payments.php or ask Eldo.

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, May 07, 2015:

Actually library/ is more useful as it clearly shows that the deposit date is NOT being read from the X12-835 file as ‘deposit date’ but is as check date.

Example: BPR*I*64.28*C*CHK************20150502~

Which is picked up as the Check Date.
$out[‘check_date’.$check_count] = trim($seg[16]);

In era_payments.php - line 146
var paydate = f.check_date.value;
var post_to_date = f.post_to_date.value;
var deposit_date = f.deposit_date.value;

Looks to me like that check date is collected but not assigned to deposit date. But I could be missing something…

The spec says:
BPR16 is the date the originating company intends for the transaction to be settled (i.e., Payment Effective Date).

So this SHOULD be the deposit date as well as the ‘check date’
