martakaczorek wrote on Monday, October 21, 2013:
EP - does it mean Enlisted Personnel?
martakaczorek wrote on Monday, October 21, 2013:
EP - does it mean Enlisted Personnel?
jcahn2 wrote on Monday, October 21, 2013:
I’m sure that many EP’s feel like they are enlisted personnel, but in fact it stands for Eligible Provider. This is a person who can collect money for meeting certain benchmarks in using their electronic medical record. It applies only in the USA. Many features have been added to OpenEMR so that EP’s can use the software to earn their “meaningful use” money. Some features are very useful for delivering quality patient care, others are not. The advantage in practicing outside of the United States is that one may use only the features that they believe will enhance the care of the patient.
martakaczorek wrote on Tuesday, October 22, 2013:
many thanks to you, Jack Cahn MD! the people in this forum have been incredibly helpful, I’m amazed
bad news - I hava more Qs in a new thread…