Encounter page is not display when click on encounter Id number under lab data created section at particular patient summary page

_Issues _

In tabs layout its working frame layout its not working

Test procedure:

  1. Procedures | Configurations
  2. Click on AddTopLevel button
  3. Set Procedure Order at drop down list
  4. Enter the procedure details and Click on Save button
  5. Click on [Add] link at created procedure order
  6. Set Discrete Results at drop down list
  7. Enter the details and click on Save button
  8. Create a patient or select existed patient
  9. Create an encounter to that patient or else select past encounter
  10. In that encounter page Administartive | Procedure Order
  11. Click on Procedure textbox , popup window will come
  12. click on Search button , it will display created procedure order list
  13. Click on procedure order
  14. Click on Save button
  15. Procedures | Pending Review ,fill the data
  16. Click on Sign Results button
  17. Procedures | patient Results
  18. Click on Save button
  19. Go to that patient page
  20. Besides Labs Section click on Trend button
  21. Click on Toggle All button and Click on List radio button
  22. Click on Submit button
  23. Clikc on Encounter number under Enc column
  24. Similarly check in doctor portal also

Actual Result :

Encounter page is not display when click on encounter Id number under lab data created section at particular patient summary page after set a tabs layouts its working in frame layout its not working.

Expected Result:

Encounter page should be displayed when click on encounter Id number under lab data created section at particular patient summary page after set frames layout

Could you please check enabling the RBot option in frame view.


After i have changed target=’_blank’ in labdata.php file its working .