aiotech wrote on Sunday, February 13, 2011:
I have been recieving this error when attempting to open encounters from the list view. The error is generating when opening any of the encounters, regardless of the status of appointments.
<? include_once(“…/…/globals.php”); include_once(“$srcdir/”); //function called to set the global session variable for encounter number function setencounter($enc) { $return_val = 1; global $encounter; global $pid; if ($enc == “” ) { $enc = date(“Ymd”); if (getFormByEncounter($pid,$enc)) { //there is an encounter enterred for today } else { //addForm($enc, “New Patient Encounter”, 0, $pid, 1); $return_val = 0; } } $_SESSION=$enc; $encounter=$enc; //returns 1 on successful global set, or 0 if there was no //current encounter, signifying that the interface should load //the screen for a new encounter return $return_val; }
I also get an error while trying to open any LBV Forms:
Internal error: we do not seem to be in an encounter!
These could be two seperate errors, But i believe they are tied together. I cannot unnderstant PHP so I could use some assistance. Thanks in advance.