Enable Outlook Style Canendar

redlettertech wrote on Monday, December 17, 2012:

Have a client that would like to use the new Outlook style calendar.  Upgraded from version 3 to 4.1.1(8) but the calendar appears the same as it did in version 3.    Search through Administration UI but unable to find where to set the calendar style.  Did not notice any flags in the postcalendar tables.  Any know how to switch between the calendar styles?

yehster wrote on Monday, December 17, 2012:

Administration > Users > <pick a user> Calendar UI
Please support further OpenEMR development

redlettertech wrote on Tuesday, December 18, 2012:

This solved the issued. Thank you.

luethe wrote on Tuesday, January 29, 2013:

I have 4.1.1.  Go to Administration; users;  Edit the specific user.  Change Calendar UI to Outlook.