I am working on a flash drawing application for a new form and the application works just fine, but when placed into the form page (interface/patient_file/encounter/load_form.php?formname=image_draw) from within oemr, it does not display the application, it only shows a grey box (475x375) which is the size of the application window, so the “movie does play”. However, if I call the file directly (interface/forms/image_draw/new.php) using the url, it works just fine. I believe this is a problem with the nested html frames but not sure how to work around this. Any ideas on how to fix?
Noob trying to help:
Is the application frame size defined anywhere before you call it, or is it really producing that proportion just from the attributes of the media? Got a code example
Thanks for help, but I figured it out, the problem was the call to the swf. It required a full path from root to the file, due to the html frames, now it works. I am still cleaning it up but it works well on my server. I will be making it freely available for use, as a form add on. It is a image drawing flash application, that pulls basic anatomical images from a file and allows a user to sketch on the image (draw the location of lesion, rash… and add text), the image is small about 11kb and saved to a file. I just need to know how to contribute it to the development team.
Is Flash something we want in OpenEMR? I would prefer to utilize open standards rather than proprietary applications like Adobe Flash. How do others feel?
Everything in OpenEMR must be GPL-compatible. If you can satisfy that it’s OK. But my style would be to implement drawing with some combination of HTML, CSS, DOM and javaScript.
1. Flash will never be a truly open technology the way CSS, HTML, and XML are; the specifications are developed in fundamentally different ways. Any interested party can choose to participate in shaping W3C specifications or monitor that process.
2. Depends. If you can confirm the flash file follows the relevant specifications and doesn’t depend on optional features only implemented by Adobe Flash Player, then it is up to the user to employ a conformant flash player and for developers to use a conformant flash editor (and maintain the cross-implementation quality of the flash file).
3. Depends. In practice, we need two things to use flash openly. A Free Software player (for users) and a Free Software editor (for developers). The only Free Software player I know of is Gnash and its variants; does it work with Gnash? I don’t know of a Free Software editor; if there isn’t one, it’s not possible to maintain the flash file in an open manner.
Take whatever answer you like, but I find it difficult to reconcile the traditionally proprietary flash technology with Free Software ideals.
Thanks for all the input. I was not aware of the complexities of open source related to adobe applications, thanks for the education. The application was for drawing on an simple anatomical image, similar to sketch programs in other EMRs (Epic). This was a feature requested by an opthalmology friend, who uses it to describe the location of a lesion on the eye. It’s used by many specialties to annotate the location of a lesion (rash, mass etc). It is also a feature that is not commonly found in other EMR applications. I can still make this available to end users if there is interest.
It would also be nice if you can submit the code in the repository…This feature is worth to be added in the official openemr code base…body diagram for marking lesions and injuries are really needed and can be a cool feature in openemr.
We used something similar to capture signatures. Did not have to use proprietary software like adobe. I just had to pay someone who already had the code and he was willing to share it with me for a price. I believe it was in Java. I know it is a sort of license. The reason why i took his code on those terms is that I did not want to waste time on it.
We plan to use that code for a bariatric surgeon so that he can sketch the contours of the anatomy of patients he wants to operate on.
Brady, I have a request…
The image_draw form as done by endoset…works great… just now tested it in windows system…Can it be posted in the official repository / codebase? This will definitely be a help to a lot many surgeons and physicians and will also increase a new fumctionality of the openemr… Thanks…
Post it and they will come. If possible put it on your github account, or email it to me at brady@sparmy.com. Will need to ensure it’s compatible with GPL first.