Hello: I hope I am missing something but…
Running OpenEMR on Linux server. Looking at the SQL statement from /modules/sms_email_reminders/cron_email_notification.php, I see the SQL statement has a qualifier to find appointments needing a reminder to be sent: "WHERE ope.pc_eventDate=‘somedate’ ". However, I notice that the openemr_postcalendar_events table will have an entry for the first in a series of recurring events (with pc_recurrtype=1) but not individual entries for each appointments… so the notification cron job would not select anything other than the initial appointment in the series.
Did I miss something? I’m hoping so :).
Thanks… so you modified the cron_functions to somehow look thru the db… I bet I could find the sql in the calendar code? Just wondering if this was an issue for anyone else… seems like an obvious issue… if you use this feature?