Email / SMS reminders for recurring appointments

elandau1260 wrote on Friday, August 01, 2014:

Hello: I hope I am missing something but…
Running OpenEMR on Linux server. Looking at the SQL statement from /modules/sms_email_reminders/cron_email_notification.php, I see the SQL statement has a qualifier to find appointments needing a reminder to be sent: "WHERE ope.pc_eventDate=‘somedate’ ". However, I notice that the openemr_postcalendar_events table will have an entry for the first in a series of recurring events (with pc_recurrtype=1) but not individual entries for each appointments… so the notification cron job would not select anything other than the initial appointment in the series.
Did I miss something? I’m hoping so :).


mdsupport wrote on Saturday, August 02, 2014:

At one time it wasn’t working. We had to add the standard appointment list call.

elandau1260 wrote on Saturday, August 02, 2014:

Thanks… so you modified the cron_functions to somehow look thru the db… I bet I could find the sql in the calendar code? Just wondering if this was an issue for anyone else… seems like an obvious issue… if you use this feature?

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, August 02, 2014:

We took the code from appointments report. Calendar is too confusing. Not many practices seem to use the emails.

elandau1260 wrote on Tuesday, August 05, 2014:

Understood. So it’s a bug but not many people care :). I’ll fix and post it back.

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, August 05, 2014:

I’ve been looking at the code too and the wiki needs to be updated as well. Probably deserves it’s own article:

If you’re doing the code fix I’d be glad to work on the wiki.