Editing Statement

Hi Jerry

It’s 5.0.1-6

Thank you,


In 501 version statement you will find two places that has the code block(most likely L128 and L532:

$clinic_name = “{$row[‘name’]}”;
$clinic_addr = “{$row[‘street’]}”;
$clinic_csz = “{$row[‘city’]}, {$row[‘state’]}, {$row[‘postal_code’]}”;

Replace above lines with below:

$clinic_name = “Your remit clinic name”;
$clinic_addr = “123 street name”;
$clinic_csz = “City, State, Zip”;

One block is for text statement and the other is for the HTML statement.

I believe Rod meant between curly braces and not brackets. Still this is not a complex expression(php) the way you wish to use so, leave out any braces or brackets.

Let me know if this gets you there.

Hi Jerry,

If both those lines are changed, then both Facility and Remit To are changed. This is what Daniel was trying to fix. He was trying to change one without the other If you think of something else that might work, please let me know.

Thank you,


Hi Jerry,
In Daniel’s post he says that his new statement file works in version 500. That he was going to test it in 501. Can the github file be substituted for the current one?

Thank you,


hmm, really. Okay assuming we are using the same statement from 501, i’ll just go ahead and modify and post it here. I’ll try to get to in next hour or two. email me what you want for remit address. sjpadgett@gmail.com

I don’t see a reason it won’t. Try and let me know.

Hi Jerry,
I substituted Daniel’s file from github.
Now neither Facility nor Billing (Remit To) spaces have an address. Only have the commas that were meant to separate city from state. Nothing else. Looked in Administration/globals/Billing as well as Administration/Facilities to see if there is an area for separate Facility and Billing addresses to be inputted, but none found.
What do you think,

Yep because the invoice source that feeds the statement has a modification as well. No worries i’ll hardcode to get ya going then will see about back porting 502 version to 501. In near future, that is…

I looked at the code labeled with Daniel’s name and looked at encounter. There is now a separate drop down for Billing Facility that didn’t exist before. Both default to the main office.


Hi Jerry,
There are times when patients are examined in the Hospitals (Consults). If doing this can affect the billing of these patients then it would be best to wait until 5.0.2 or patch 7 includes these changes.

Thank you,


The modification i’ll make only effects the statement being sent out. The billing facility drop down in encounters is part of 501 and should be there. The statement changes will not effect your billing but just the statement sent.
I’m working on getting patch 7 out but just seems to slip away as I keep adding to it :slight_smile: I’ll try to get this in there as well over next few days.
I’ll send you the statement file once I test.

Hi Jerry,
What are your thoughts?


We posted same time. See my comment before your last…

Hi Jerry,

Thank you,

Just to be clear @hamd I sent the modified statement as attachment in our email chain. Give it a look and let me know.

Hi Jerry,

Bingo!! It worked!!

Looks like you hard coded the billing address.

Thanks a bunch,


You’re welcome. Been looking over Dan’s PR and believe I can get into patch 7. Hopefully this fix up will be temporary.

Thanks again!!