Could anybody help me
1. In adding a “Calculate” button as in Medical Scores calculation. Eg: APACHE Score?
2. Add a “Numeric” Data Type?
3. Add “Minimum” & “Maximum” fields as in reference ranges.
I want to incorporate these changes in “Administration/Layouts/Edit Layout”…
Another possibility rather than using a LBF form (via the Layouts engine) is to consider building the form vie either formscript or xmlformgen:
(then you can customize the form to add a calculate button and add algorithms for the high/lows of each entry)
If really want to make this modular and reusable in the LBF engine (layouts): would need to build in a new datatype in library/ for something maybe called “Numerator Range” and would need to then 1) have a way to input the low and high into the Administraiton->Layouts gui and also figure out a place to hold in in the entry in layout_options. I am at a bit of a loss on the Calculate thing, though; suppose could actually create a data type for Apache Score and then just put everything in that (the numbers, calculate button with corresponding javascript, etc).