EDI History under fees

teryhill wrote on Tuesday, December 22, 2015:

Is the ERA section for reading the ERA files from the clearing house so you can see what’s in them?



harleytuck wrote on Wednesday, December 23, 2015:

Hi All-
Terry- I answered you by email- hope that helped. I’m 75% done with a walkthrough guide- not really a turorial- of the EDI module; hope to get it done soon after this MU stuff wraps up.

Teaser: it has one or two significant shortcomings but in the right circumstances, some very useful features. We’re going to have to pester KMcC to finish it.

  • HT

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, December 23, 2015:

Looking forward to this much needed Wiki article.

Thanks for this side project & the huge amount of work on MU2.

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, December 23, 2015:

Hard Tack and Beans Harley

harleytuck wrote on Wednesday, December 23, 2015:

Y’all certainly welcome- I think OpenEMR and I are a fortuitous combination- I do so enjoy doing the docs for it, and (see other entry elsewhere today) even the MU is an incredible learning experience.

  • HT

harleytuck wrote on Wednesday, December 23, 2015:

Yum, properly pre- soaked. Kind of like Sailors’ Biscotti. Sort of.