During https setup errors

ajperezcrespo wrote on Monday, November 28, 2005:

the Setup screen is displaying all the characters below.

\n"; } else { switch ($state) { case 1: echo "Step $state

\n"; echo "Now I need to know whether you want me to create the databases on my own or if you have already created the database for me to use. If you are upgrading, you will want to select the latter function. For me to create the databases, you will need to supply the MySQL root password.\n
NOTE: clicking on "Continue" may delete or cause damage to data on your system. Before you continue please backup your data.


sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, November 28, 2005:

It’s as if your copy of setup.php is corrupted, or perhaps the server is not configured properly for PHP.  Have you run any other PHP apps on it?

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Thursday, December 01, 2005:

Dear Alfonso,

Most of us are not running over SSL.  I’m not sure if this may be affecting your output.

I’m assuming that you have alreay been successfully running OpenEMR the “usual” way from your earlier posts.

Which OS are you currently running for the OpenEMR server?

andres_paglayan wrote on Thursday, December 01, 2005:

I use https and that shouldn’t be a problem,

check that line 96 in setup.php looks like

echo “OpenEMR is already configured.  If you wish to re-configure the SQL server, edit $conffile, or change the ‘config’ variable to 0, and re-run this script.<br>\n”;

whatever is wrong is happening just in <br>\n"
wich platform (lamp) and versions are you using

ajperezcrespo wrote on Friday, December 02, 2005:

Well here’s the nitty gritty on the problem.
This is a Novell Linux Small Biz Server.  Novell installs all of its files under the /var/opt/novell directory this includes Apache and perl.  LIBPHP4.so is not installed.  Novell uses apache for iManager the Web-based Admin tool.

If you want any PHP apps to run on this server:
1) reconfigure httpd.conf and ssl.conf to ports other than 80 or 443. 
2) The other alternative is to have a secondary IP and configure each one to respective IPs.


sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, December 02, 2005:

So… Novell sells something called a Linux Small Business Server that does not come with PHP support?


– Rod

ajperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, December 08, 2005:

PHP is there but novells apache server doesn’t use it.  It’ll take quite a bit of reconfiguring to get it going.  Another solution is XAMPP.