Drug table and prescription


I am Italian.
I’m trying to fit openemr for a small medical structure.
The difficulties, as you have noticed from my previous posts, are many.
I imported the list of drugs from the Italian AIFA list but unfortunately there are absolutely no matching fields except the “name” of the drug.
I had to import the data by using other example field names. Example I entered the price in the size field ecc etc
I ask if it is possible as well as for the demographics to add or remove fields.
Alternatively I think I should rebuild the table and rewrite the code, It’s true?


It is possible to customize the demographics and all other functionalities in OpenEMR.
If your italian AIFA list has some new fields which is differ from actual OpenEMR drug table then we have to modify the drug table as per your need .
The fields can be added/removed upon customization which requires significant code changes.


Ok thanks
If you want i can send to you an example of italian AIFA archive


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@tresrob Please do share the sample AIFA archive.

ViSolve OpenEMR Customization Team


There are three types of drug classification:
farmacifasciaA.csv (1.2 KB)
farmacifasciaH.csv (1.1 KB)
farmacifasciaC.csv (1.9 KB)

Band A - Paid by the state
H-band - Product for hospital use
Band C - Paid by people