Drug of Products sales without an encounter... is this possible?

elandau1260 wrote on Sunday, August 17, 2014:

Hi Folks: I did not think this was possible but /interfaces/patient_file/pos_checkout.php seems to imply that it is… so does anyone know if it is possible to record a product sale without an encounter? and if so… how? Th only way I know to record a “sale” is thru a FeeSheet which is related to an encounter.


tmccormi wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Drug sales are recorded through the Prescription Interface, that does not
require an encounter.


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elandau1260 wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Oh… right. But DME’s (crutches etc.) need an encounter… right?

fsgl wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Any service billed to insurance will require an encounter.

Proper accounting practices would also require one set of books, i.e., same system to record medical service as well as ancillary services.

elandau1260 wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

I have one Chiropractor, who has a cash business (no insurance), who sells supplements and some patients come in just to buy over-the-counter supplements (vitamins etc.). She’s like to keep track of that without the hassle (more clicks) of creating an encounter for them. No big issue…