Hi folks
Is this still working? I dont get any results from this.
In my Apache Error log I have this and I dont kno if its related.
PHP Notice: Constant SMARTY_DIR already defined in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr/library/classes/Controller.class.php on line 4, referer: http://localhost:81/openemr/controller.php?prescription&lookup
I am running OpenEMR-2.8.3 and it never worked for me. I installed OpenEMR-2.8.3 in December 2007. I am curious as to what others are doing for drug look up if this is broken. Are others just typing in the medications manually?
From the looks of these two threads I guess that OEMR should switch to another drug lookup database. Maybe something like what rod did with the ICD9 database download script? This way the database can be local and not require internet access.
Take a look at this…there are probably others but a quick google for "Free drug database" gave me this.
They also make note of other items which have been discussed here:
"which includes over 30,000 medications by NDC classification and includes drug-drug and drug-allergy interactions."
I have built a drug database based on my own prescribing. It slowed me down a little for a few months in the beginning since everything new had to be entered. For the past year, I have very rarely added any new entries.
I use CAMOS to categorize and store my drug data. I also generate my prescriptions directly from that form.
However your drug data is stored, this seems to be the most practical way to do it. Physicians only prescribe a small subset of the entire collection of prescription medications.
I tried getting some of the providers to use CAMOS, but they didn’t like it. They found it to be too complex. They have gotten use to using the Drug lookup button. Do we have or will we have solution for this?
And this is where the database is downloadable from. It has various files that could probably be uploaded and sorted into some sort of usable form. http://www.fda.gov/cder/ndc/ziptext.zip
Can you provide an example of how you did it. I see the Atenolol example but wonder what is going on there in the background. i read the help and readme of CAMOS but it is chinese to me.
I wonder if one can build a form with radio button for selection.
In our Agency I’ve resorted to using an interal drug database lookup. It’s not perfect and currently still experimental. The source of drug names comes from the FDA Orange Book:
Since I’m just a techno-weenie and not skilled with drug names I don’t know if this will be a good solution but it’s been better than trying to use the lookup function when it was tied with an outside source.