Drug Look Up Button

mike-h30 wrote on Friday, February 01, 2008:

The "Drug LookUp" button is not returning any values.  Where is this set up? Thanks.


sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, February 01, 2008:

This has happened before, most likely the web site changed and broke the scraping code.  If you’d like to troubleshoot the problem, see this thread for clues:



mike-h30 wrote on Friday, February 01, 2008:

Our old system has a medications table.  Do you see any harm in importing the meds data into the in house pharmacy table?

sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, February 01, 2008:

The in-house pharmacy support is intended for a relatively small selection of drugs that you actually inventory and dispense in-house.  It doesn’t do searches so it wouldn’t help you much to load it up with a large table.  I think there have been some earlier discussions in these forums about drug databases that may interest you.


mike-h30 wrote on Friday, February 01, 2008:

So is this button not working for everybody at the moment?  How are scripts being written other than manual entry of the medication?

mike-h30 wrote on Sunday, February 03, 2008:

It seems that every time the medications web site changes, it causes an issue with the "drub look up" button.  Our old system ( an Access DB) had a meds table with about 23,000 records. All of the scripts thus far written by our physician came out of this table.  Would it be better to import this data and keep it in the OpenEMR db rather than relying on the medications website stability?


penguin8r wrote on Tuesday, February 12, 2008:

It looks like the format of the search URL as well as the layout of the output of search results on RXlist has changed.  Fixing the search URL doesn’t help, the code that parses the results will have to be fixed as well before we can get results back.

mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, February 16, 2008:

So how do you enter the drug information? Is it typed in manually every time a prescription is written?  This might be cumbersome for our physician.  He is used to the build in drug selection of our old system.

xiaoanri wrote on Friday, April 11, 2008:

I like the idea of having a database integrated into the openemr, a more permanent solution.  anybody did this and made it work? Or any other solutions? Thank you!  Hui