Drop down list for states only lists Californ

waydes wrote on Saturday, August 08, 2009:

I did a new install of OpenEMR on Ubuntu 9.04.  I am evaluating it for a physician.  I added myself as the first and only patient.  When I try to add my address, the only state that shows on the list is California and I live in Texas.  Why do the other states not show up?  The states are listed in the geo_zone_reference, but for some reason are not pulled in.  According to the System Architecture document, that table is not used, so where are the state entries obtained to list?

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 08, 2009:

Go to Administration => List => Country and add your extra Countries with three letters and the name.

Go to Administration => List => State and us the two letter code of the State en name of the state… you even can Delete the obvious "CA=California" - State without harming OpenEMR…

But don’t forget to make a backup since these are not included in updates and new versions. Somewhere during Development the link between geo_zone_reference and the other geo_table are lost .


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 08, 2009:

Check out the current 3.1.0 development demo (plan to release this version at end of August). We realized this was a total pain, so there is now a widget in the form to allow addition of new entries: