Drop Down Boxes

mike-h30 wrote on Sunday, February 17, 2008:

What causes the "Refferal Source" drop down box on the New Patient page and the "Sensitivity" drop down box on the Encounters page to appear?  I recently noticed they are there now.  I did not notice them before and I was wondering what I did to make them appear.


sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, February 18, 2008:

Referral Source will appear if $GLOBALS[‘inhouse_pharmacy’] is set (in globals.php).  The general idea (perhaps not a very good one) was that a pharmacy is more like a retail business that cares about such things.

The Sensitivities dropdown will appear if you have any sensitivities defined in your ACL setup.


mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2008:

Thanks again!!
