Double entry of form choices on menu based on ACL roles

jjcahs wrote on Friday, February 27, 2015:

We have created to allow access to certain forms in certain menus to appear based on user’s ACLs. However, for a particular user having one of set of ACLs each form appears twice. For the others it is normal. The menu I refer to is in the set once we get into a specific encounter (ie. Clinical, Adminstrative, Misc, etc.) not LeftNav.

Which files do we need to look at to identify the problem- forms.php, new_form. php, load form.php and within that form is a there a specific piece of code that is reponsible for the view of a form in the menu?

Sorry can’t send screenshots or code files (but can copy code lines and post to message, if you tell me which file to send from).


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

To change the title of tab for LBV forms, see this.

For other forms, see attachment.