Documents not restored After dumping the mysqldump of the database

ashutoshw007 wrote on Monday, March 02, 2015:

I have been backup my database for one of my site.
Now I have deleted the database and everything was gone.

Later i created the database as it was earlier and then dumped the mysqldump of the database.

Everything got restored, except the documents.
Now when I look into /var/www/openemr/sites/sitename/documents…No previous documents data is restored.

Can anyone please help me restoring it??
Any help appreciated.

yehster wrote on Monday, March 02, 2015:

Document contents are stored in the file system directly. Backup and restore of just mysql is not sufficient to restore.

If the original site has not been deleted already the contents from /var/www/openemr/sites/sitename/documents can be copied using the ‘cp’ command to the new directory. If moving from an old machine to a new machine a different method for moving the files will be needed such as creating an archive and moving it or using sftp.