Document Categories

drbowen wrote on Monday, June 29, 2009:

I am trying to learn how to set up Document "Categories".

I navigated to Admin --> Practice --> Edit Categories

I click on Categories

I type "Cardiovascular" into the text labeled:

The new category will be a sub-category of Categories
Category Name:

I click on the button named "Add Category"

The query returns with the following error:

Error: INSERT INTO categories SET name=‘Cardiovascular’, value=’’, lft=‘15’, rght=‘16’, parent=‘1’, id=‘5’ :: Duplicate entry ‘5’ for key 1

Am I doing this correctly? or this a bug?

Sam Bowen, MD

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 30, 2009:


Recently went through this stuff for translation project.

The category counter is in the table ‘categories_seq’. Make sure the value here is equal to the highest ‘id’ field in your ‘categories’ table. When you make a category the value in ‘categories_seq’ should get incremented; somehow your value has been reset it seems.
