Digital Signature

nthurman wrote on Friday, September 17, 2010:

This topic has come up before but I am interested to see if anyone is using (or building) a signature capture module?  There are a several ways to deal with the issue including password, pin signature, and signature pad.   It would also be important to lock the changes after a signature is applied and allow an addendum with a new signature.


zhhealthcare wrote on Friday, September 17, 2010:

We are buiding one.  The proof of concept is complete and test phase is going in. WE found a solution at  There was another link at

The problem about contributing this feature to the community is the licensing.  They both charge $25 and $40 respectively.  Cheap, but we have to buy it individually.
Hope this helps.

Thanks and regards

zhhealthcare wrote on Friday, September 17, 2010:

Another though:
The code is not that complicated.  If one of us can write one that is opensource, that would be helpful.  We are not equipped for that.

Thanks again

nthurman wrote on Thursday, September 30, 2010:

Agreed   I wil research the links above.   It would have been nice if you could have joined us at the Open Source Health Conference this week to update the group on your progress.

zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 30, 2010:

I know and I Regret not being there the three days.  However I will be in Houston on Friday for about four hours.  IF time permits and you guys are still there, probably …… 

mp3701 wrote on Wednesday, October 27, 2010:

I am a newcomer to the OpenEMR forum and would like to do something to contribute to this open source software

Although signature image capture is nice to have I do NOT think it is the most critical part. As nthurman pointed out, reentering the password/pin along with the timestamp (and a pre-scanned signature image?) can be used as the signature. A lot of financial companies and my company’s timesheet signature are just like that. The important part is to lock the changes once a signature is applied and allow an addendum with a new signature.

We can assume the signature capture is in place and move on to develop code to lock the changes and allow addendum once a new signature is captured

Thanks, -Hua