Some of the languages in list of ISO 639-2 has multiple ISO 639-2 codes while only having a single 639-1 code. The list_options table has primary key on the language itself, so the current structure of the table cannot support both 639-2 codes. (ie: Albania, Welsh etc). For now, I have included only the first 639-2 code in the sql script.
Please review and let me know of any necessary changes.
For next revision, work from my branch by pulling it into your repo with following commands:
git remote add brady
git fetch brady
git checkout brady/jajalla23-demographics_2
(ignore the warning stuff)
git checkout -b demographics_3
And you now have your local branch demographics_3 to work from
ISO 639-2 is the alpha-3 code in Codes for the representation of names of languages. With reference from the link, there are 21 languages that are assigned with alternative ISO 639-2 codes for bibliographic or terminology purposes. In such cases, the languages are designated as “B” for bibliographic and “T” for terminology.
Tnx for the answer. I was looking through the tables and only concentrating on Dutch…
I should have read: Dutch, Flemish two separate languages counted as one in the ISO 639-2 coding. (one row per language code)
BTW it is easy to change the sort order in the Administration => List => Language table. Also easy to get the most spoken language choices at the top. I have to remember to delete the Dutch; Nederlands language from the Demo (done) and made my own preferred sort order…
For the US is the Code for Etnicity: Hispanic/Non hispanic sufficient for Demographics?
In the CDC site I found a more extensive list.
Also a list for Race at CDC. (Europeans and Asians might dispute the one row for their race, but this is for Demographics MU-2; USA regulations compliance)
Or is there another list from some International Coding organisation that can include European, Asian, African races without compromising the MU-2 requirements?
For MU2 requirement, Hispanic/Non hispanic along with declined to specify option will be sufficient for Ethnicity in Demographics. Also the list of races can be extended as needed without compromising MU2.
Recommend combining the two commits in demographics_3 into one commit to make it easier to review. Generally is a good idea to do this in a new separate branch.
Try this:
(go to branch)
git checkout demographics_3
(now create a new branch)
git checkout -b demographics_4
(now do the interactive rebase (note the number after HEAD is how many commits to bring in))
git rebase -i HEAD~2
(Now you’ll be in a text editor which lists two commits:)
in the second line, change the “pick” to “squash”
(Now you’ll be in a text editor which shows commit comments:)
uncomment the two current lines there (ie. remove them) and place “demographics changes to support MU2, take 3”
Now you can push this branch which contains one combined commit to github.
When learning git, best to avoid merging. It’s something that will be much more clear after gain mastery of rebase and cherry-pick. A nice command to see how a branch looks(especially when you start using merge), is the following:
git log --graph --pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset’ --abbrev-commit --date=relative
To make it easier to do the above command (and others) I place the following alias section in my .git/config file in my local repository:
st = status
ci = commit
br = branch
co = checkout
df = diff
lg = log -p
lf = log --graph --pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset’ --abbrev-commit --date=relative
Thus, just lf will work for the command (note I also shorten some other used commands).