Demographics Layout Modification in 4.1.1

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:


I have installed OpenEMR 4.1.1 with XAMPP. I am getting following error while creating new field under new group in Demographics layout.

ERROR: query failed: INSERT INTO layout_options ( form_id, field_id, title, group_name, seq, uor, fld_length, fld_rows, titlecols, datacols, data_type, edit_options, default_value, description, max_length, list_id ) VALUES ( ‘DEM’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’ )

Can anybody help please?

– Mangalesh :slight_smile:

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

I am able to create a new group with 1 new field. But whenever I try to add more fields, I get the above error.

– Mangalesh :slight_smile:

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

Hi mangalesh,

Turns out there is a new php setting that needs to be set correctly. Placed the instructions to do this in the XAMPP package installation instructions here:

Let me know if this works for you (and if the instructions are clear enough).


mangaleshjoshi wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

Hi Brady,

Thanks a lot. It is working fine now. Yes, the instructions are crystal clear.

– Mangalesh :slight_smile:

blankev wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

I try to use Appliance for OpenEMR V4.1.1.1  Is there a need to change these PHP settings in VMWare player and if so, how can I follow these instructions.

TNX, Pimm

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

Hi Pimm,
This does not affect the Appliance (since the php version used there is less than 5.3.9).