I just installed the OEMR 2.90 on windows server2003. the patient demographic field, in particular, the drop down list for the State field only has California on it, not other states. Any clue which file I should go into to change that? Thank you, hui
I can’t see a drop-down for State in the patient demographics screen. I only see a text box that accepts free-form text. Of course that doesn’t help you identify the trouble.
I looked into the source files that create the database and did find something interesting. Can you take a look at something?
Log into OpenEMR as an administrator. Click on the Admin. Click on Database. You should be in phpMyAdmin now with a list of database tables on the left side of the screen.
Do you see a table named ‘geo_zone_reference’?
If so, click on it. Then in the main body of the window click on the Browse tab near the top so show any data in that table. There should be a complete list of US states in there.
If you really are seeing a drop-down list for states then you might want to refer to the geo_zone_reference table and hand edit the file
Thank you for the mail. I followed your instruction and was able to find all the US states in the "geo_zone_reference" file. But, the Contact section of the patient demographics does have a drop-down lsit for state and it only has CA as choice. Which file should I go into and what should I edit?
By the way, I have only OpenEMR 2.9.0, and no Php-Gacl or sql-ledger was installed.