deschel wrote on Sunday, July 29, 2012:
Re: One to many tables between person and first/middle/last.
The proposal for first/middle/last names in same table looks to me like a proposal for a vertical table.
First of all, I have explored and debated vertical tables versus horizontal tables, and I’m not crazy about doing vertical tables. Vertical tables basically force you to recreate what the database system already does for you. So, just use the database system and create a new table.
Vertical tables are useful when there are a large number of possible TYPES/attributes. They should have been used in the history_data. Why didn’t you pressure the designers of that table to do a vertical table? (I think I may have already brought this up.)
First names are fairly distinct from last names. First names are not really interchangeable with last names, and are not usually used for both. So, its not really justified to represent them in the same table field.
Also, first names are independent of last names. Therefore, it is not really appropriate to put them as different fields in the same table.
Now, the “medicare name” example is fairly uncommon, and does not quite justify the one to many table. I want to discuss different examples.
For first name, people can have different aliases, nicknames, and legal names. Also, there is the possibility that someone changes their first name. Nicknames is the most common example of what happens, and this happens quite often. Someone’s legal name might be Robert, but they go by Bob. When I address a patient, their chart usually has their legal name. However, the patient is never called this. It would be nice to be able to see their nickname. We could put nickname in a different field. However, then when doing a search for patient first names, it would be nice be able to find the patient by searching for bob or robert. Take the example of someone changing their first name-not as common, but I still applies to a couple of my patients. You might still get correspondence or records that have the patients old name. Therefore, it would to have a record of all of their names.
Now, middle names are a little trickier. Middle names I guess would be more similar to first names than last names. And, some people prefer to be called by their middle name. So, I might consider the idea of representing first name in the same field as middle name, just with a different type attribute.
In regards to people with a long name with multiple middle names and multiple last names all in one name, especially applicable in spanish cultures. This might be too tricky to implement in any of the systems proposed. I don’t think a vertical table addresses this. I might need to have to draw a line here and have someone else do that improvement after we implement our demographic improvement.
As far as people with different last names, again this is fairly common, primarily when someone marries and changes their last name. There might still be records that refer to the maiden name. It would be useful to keep this data. Also, sometimes the same person is referred to their hyphenated name and their new last name at the same time. Therefore, some one who changes their name might be referred to three different ways - example Jane Roberts-Smith vs Jane Roberts vs Jane Smith.
David Eschelbacher, MD