Demograhpics cannot be edited and saved

jackfruit501 wrote on Friday, September 05, 2014:

I cannot edit and save the corrected items in the insurance section of demographics. I am using Version 4.1.2 patch 7 with Fedora 20/Ubuntu 14.04. Anyone with this problem?


fsgl wrote on Friday, September 05, 2014:

Hi Jack,

The Insurance section “goes nuts”, if an old insurance is corrected without adding a new insurance id number. There is an error about allowing the script to complete, the screen blanches & everything freezes.

Are we talking about the same thing?

jackfruit501 wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

In the section on Practice Settings for Insurance Companies I do not have ‘default X12 Partner’ as I name payor companies individually without id as payment in Malaysia is made directly by respective company for their employees.
When I make a correction in the demographics of the current patient/insurance section the save button appears static so the new data is not saved. I think we are talking about the same problem.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

How do you send claims, via paper or electronically? If e-claims, are files sent to each insurer individually? In our last set of e-claims, I forgot to designate the x12 partner for one claim. The entire batch was rejected by the clearinghouse as a result of the error. This may not be a problem in Malaysia.

I don’t know the reason why the Patient Summary screen blanches with the inability to complete the script. The workaround is always add an id number even if there is none. In the US practically everyone has a Social Security number, so that number is used even if the patient has no insurance id number.

There are times that logging off, closing the browser or using xkill may be required to resolve the frozen screen. If the id number is added with the second attempt, the new information will be saved without difficulty.

blankev wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

May be this is not the appropriate place to ask this question, just tell me.

Q: I was wondering how OpenEMR handles an expiration date for Insurance. Is this somewhere hidden or is this in place, but I do misinterpret the option…

fsgl wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

It’s handled via the Effective Date of the new insurance. Once that info has been entered, there will be 2 tabs, one for the new insurance while the old insurance will renamed (Old).

It’s helpful to retain the data for the old insurance; otherwise all charges in Visit History will be assigned to the new insurance, which would be incorrect.

blankev wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

So an option would be:

Add a new Insurance “Expired Insurance Date” and use the starting date as the expiration date. Would this give a “CODE RED Signal” like type of information for the provider?

fsgl wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

We usually don’t enter an Effective Date for the old insurance, only for the new insurance. The module assumes that the old insurance has expired and pushes the tab to the right of the new insurance.

jackfruit501 wrote on Thursday, October 09, 2014:

I downloaded Openemr-4.1.3-dev with Ubuntu 14.04 using the backup data (backup.sql)from 4.1.2 patch 7 and when I tried to edit administration/layouts/demogrrapics I get this error

ERROR: query failed: UPDATE layout_options SET title = ‘Title’, group_name = ‘1Who’, seq = ‘1’, uor = ‘1’, fld_length = ‘’, fld_rows = ‘’, max_length = ‘0’, titlecols = ‘1’, datacols = ‘1’, data_type= ‘1’, list_id= ‘titles’, list_backup_id= ‘’, edit_options = ‘N’, default_value = ‘’, description = ‘Title’ WHERE form_id = ‘DEM’ AND field_id = ‘title’

/var/www/openemr/interface/super/edit_layout.php at 103:sqlStatement

I did not get this error with 4.1.2 patch 7.


fsgl wrote on Thursday, October 09, 2014:

Try using restore script, if not done so already.

jackfruit501 wrote on Friday, October 10, 2014:

I have no problem installing/restoring openemr-4.1.3-dev backup from the Demo which has no data. The problem occurs when I restore data backup from the existing openemr-4.1.2 patch 7. I tried the demo as I am tryng to edit errors in the demographic data. Will the new version rectify this?

fsgl wrote on Friday, October 10, 2014:

Something went awry between the mysqldump in 4.1.2 (7) & database restore in 4.1.3, which is what I think you did & which may be causing the editing error. Another way to accomplish the same task is to use the Backup utility in Administration for 4.1.2 (7), then use the restore script in 4.1.3. It’s not a matter of 4.1.3 correcting the editing error.

jackfruit501 wrote on Saturday, October 11, 2014:

After comparing with the demo I found that I have made the Last Name as unused. I did this as some patients only have a single Name and if the Last Name is made required I will not be able to enter the data. Could this be the cause of all the errors?

wizard353 wrote on Saturday, October 11, 2014:

I’m not certain it will solve your problem, but you can designate the last name as “Optional”. It will not be required for patients with only one name, but can still be used for those who have two.


blankev wrote on Saturday, October 11, 2014:

Or put some dashes in place ------ if this is not offending. The search on last name will be complicated.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, October 11, 2014:

Just created a new patient, Jane, in the 2089 Demo & surname was made unused. It was saved.

I’m positive that your Chinese patients will require an entry for the family name, even if your Tamil patients don’t (I think they use their father’s name as the surname).

With the last name gone, a patient search with the surname filter will produce an error. David’s suggestion should work if it’s the source of the problem.

jackfruit501 wrote on Sunday, October 12, 2014:

I agree with David that the problem of editing errors/mistakes made in the insurance section of Demographics layout is not solved even if the lname is made required or optional.I can change this in my backup data with 4.1.2(patch 7) but not with 4.1.3-dev!

fgsl - Yes, there is no problem with Chinese names but for identification in official documents, the convention is Last Name (or Surname), First Name followed by Middle Name eg Chan Lee Chai will be different from Lee Chai Chan !

fsgl wrote on Sunday, October 12, 2014:

Try doing the following in the event there had been an error in backup-restore.

  1. In 4.1.2 (7) make surname optional.
  2. Run backup utility.
  3. Use restore script in 4.1.3.

For Chinese names in the Insurance section, place surname in first name box & given name in last name box, e.g., Chan in first box & Lee Chai in third box. In Guangdong we have the custom of given name (Lee Chai) but no middle name; I assume it’s the same for the Chinese community in Malaysia.

A user can have any order of names in Insurance. There is a pop-up that the names are different & asks if it’s correct. After answering “yes”, everything is saved. Just did this exercise in the 2089 Demo for Bao Yu in the Demograph -ics section & Jia Bao Yu (紅樓夢) in Insurance.

jackfruit501 wrote on Monday, October 13, 2014:

I followed 1,2 & 3 and I still cannot correct/edit mistakes made in the insurance section in both versions. With the Demo (backup) in my hard-drive server I still get the error message.

fsgl wrote on Monday, October 13, 2014:

We are then posting about two different problems:

  1. editing Insurance, Patient Summary, in 4.1.2 (7) & 4.1.3.
  2. editing the layout, Demographics in 4.1.3.

Because we have an error message for the latter, we will address it first. Did the error appear as a pop-up or from the Apache/MySQl error logs?

The above cited error points to the Title field (Mr., Mrs., etc.). What changes, if any, did you make in 4.1.2 (7) regarding that field?

Line 103 of /openemr/interface/super/edit_layout.php has only a curved right bracket (}), which did not offer any clues & list_backup_id is not in the script.

What did the error logs say about the first problem?