jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:
I have a personal challenge that I feel has some importance to the broader OpenEMR community, and so per suggestion from today’s ad hoc conference call, I will share a problem and propose an idea here.
I am in the process of preparing an OpenEMR instance that can be used in a demonstration for my partners as part of marketing OpenEMR to them. I have filled in most of the easy stuff for the clinic ID, Ins co.'s, pharmacies, a few demographics, appointments, a few encounters with vital signs, a few bills, etc, etc. One problem I see is that I will not be able to demonstrate either a two way lab interface (we use LabCore) or any of the three options for e-Rx.
My first thought was to solicit demonstrations of these features from willing vendors or super supportive forum members. This would involve setting a time for the demo and getting all the clinicians at the office seated at one instance. Unfortunately when such a demo is over, it would become part of the historical vapor and of no use to others.
More useful then, would be a video of these processes, from a kind soul who has a working interface and is willing to share de-identified or fabricated patient information, plus the knowhow to record the process in a video. This could then become part of the wiki with youtube links as we have for many other processes. Thoughts?
Jack Cahn
OEMR board