
jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

I have a personal challenge that I feel has some importance to the broader OpenEMR community, and so per suggestion from today’s ad hoc conference call, I will share a problem and propose an idea here.

I am in the process of preparing an OpenEMR instance that can be used in a demonstration for my partners as part of marketing OpenEMR to them. I have filled in most of the easy stuff for the clinic ID, Ins co.'s, pharmacies, a few demographics, appointments, a few encounters with vital signs, a few bills, etc, etc. One problem I see is that I will not be able to demonstrate either a two way lab interface (we use LabCore) or any of the three options for e-Rx.

My first thought was to solicit demonstrations of these features from willing vendors or super supportive forum members. This would involve setting a time for the demo and getting all the clinicians at the office seated at one instance. Unfortunately when such a demo is over, it would become part of the historical vapor and of no use to others.

More useful then, would be a video of these processes, from a kind soul who has a working interface and is willing to share de-identified or fabricated patient information, plus the knowhow to record the process in a video. This could then become part of the wiki with youtube links as we have for many other processes. Thoughts?

Jack Cahn
OEMR board

ajperezcrespo wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Hi Jack.
Well we have put together an EHR Training Website for Educational purposes (Started out as a tool for myself as I am an EHR/HIT Professor). Some of my students and myself have created a few videos for OpenEMR and have placed them on said website so students can review tasks.
We have tried to keep the videos as vendor neutral as possible. All videos have been kept language neutral also (Using Music only and no narration).
We would be willing to organize and host vendor neutral videos on this site. We could also link the ones off of youtube if that is desired.


yehster wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Hi Jack,
I’m wary of trying to create a demo of the Allscripts integration video because there would be PHI involved in the recording as we don’t have a “test environment” for Allscript’s web server. Yes, someone could probably blackout/redact the PHI, but I don’t have the video editing skills required.

If you sign yourself up for an Allscripts account, I could walk you through it’s operation in OpenEMR though.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

If the Demo is intended solely for physicians in the group, there should be no HIPAA issues; therefore real patient data can be used.

The Procedure Module is complex to set up, so that is not a selling point. It’s not that difficult to use once that’s done.

E-prescribe is fairly straightforward to set up. With Kevin’s Integration script, even the free version of Allscripts is easy to use. For the purpose of the Demo, get a free account for now, until the choice of the vendor has been made. Allscripts sign up info is in the Wiki article.

There are probably prescriptions to write and labs to be ordered for real patients; so why not go ahead, prescribe and order with the Demo? Only data for one physician and one or so actual patient need to be entered.

A video of the Procedure Module will be as complicated as the 6 Wiki articles, therefore it may not shed much more light on the topic. It is very likely the replay button will be clicked multiple times.

The video of E-prescribe will be icing on the cake. The module is a snap to understand, set up and deploy. It would be nice to have a video but not crucial.

The advantage of the Demo is the interactivity. Most of us learn more quickly when we have hands on the keyboard. It is also the first tentative step toward ownership of the transition.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Harley Tuck seemed very impressed with Art Eaton’s PrintaPatient tool to generate fictitious patient data when he wrote his series of Wiki articles.

yehster wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

But it wouldn’t be acceptable for me to use an Allscripts account from your practice to show Dr. Cahn’s practice, without redacting PHI.

And by extension, I can’t make a generic video to publish on the internet.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Jack would set up his own account for demonstration of his patients to his partners.

HIPAA does not apply within the same practice.

No one else’s Protected Health Information would be involved.

Jack’s Demo, unlike Brady’s, won’t be hosted on the Web; if I understand his post correctly.

Kevin, your script made it so easy such that a video is not essential to understanding the module.

But if the philanthropic spirit moves you, by all means; create the video with fictitious patients.

Because Allscripts has a huge database of patients, there is a small potential of a conflict if a fake patient’s data is close to that of a real patient. But if the final button to send the script to the pharmacy or mail order is not clicked, then it should not be a problem.

jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Thanks for the responses team. I will move ahead as life permits.

My proposition was 2-fold: 1) Facilitate an in-house demo (for my use) of OpenEMR features that are add-on modules; 2) but also to see if these could be made into a more generic non-PHI demo (or video of such a demo) for universal use - OpenEMR wiki.

@fsgl I have used Art’s PrintaPatient. It is one slick piece of work! I see it now as more of a benchmarking tool e.g. for testing code against 100,000 patients. For a marketing demo, small numbers for queries are faster = better for making a good impression.

@fsgl I may try some REAL patient e-Rx via an AllScripts interface. Currently my in-house OpenEMR demo is WWW enabled so I would have to disable that route, or learn how to use .htaccess. AllScripts may have a “testing” mode for dummy scripts, I’ll explore that. If so, a video could be made for universal use.

@Kevin Thanks, I’ll investigate the free interface. I actually used it a few years ago before Dr First e-Rx was incorporated into our current emr. That was just using the web interface. I understand the subscribed service has another interface with more bells and whistles.

@ Alfonso I, and maybe a thousand other folks, would love to know how to access your videos. Does NOT have to be on YouTube - the only advantage I see there is finding the videos on search engines. A link to your site on the wiki would be very cool.

I respect/applaud your desire for vendor neutrality. Unfortunately, to date, we have neither an open source interface to the almighty SureScripts, nor an external lab interface that is not specific to a commercial lab service. As fsgl points out, getting procedure module properly set up requires above average devotion and skill.

@Tony McCormick Do we have a demo of the in house lab module (or module for a commercial lab) that MI2 developed for Dr Bowen? Is this also DIY?

Thanks all, Jack

blankev wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:


please correct me if I did not understand your comment correct!

What I understand is something like: We need a Wiki-page for short video with explanations, sorted by topic and possible within the Wiki, or with links to appropriate places like Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo etc… (I would love to give a hand and learn just while looking at and including them in, at the videos to get them in the correct order. When possible YOUR new ones included online or on a place to be named.

I am willing to help if needed, (also if there is a better approach) but remember I am a non-professional with an opinion and those persons are not always the easiest to explain what YOU want and even worse to get the result YOU want.


Thnx Pimm

yehster wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Presumably LabCorp has a web based ordering mechanism. If so, a one-way-interface that forwards basic demographic info from OpenEMR into it could be commissioned. We would be applying the idea behind the Allscripts integration to LabCorp’s web pages.

It might be possible to leverage Rod’s recent code additions to bring data back into OpenEMR if you can get HL7 files from LabCorp. MD Support has posted about doing something along those lines.

Does your current system have two-way lab integration?

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Ahhh, Pimm’s back and in rare form once again.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Hi Alfonso,
Can your post a link to your website? Youtube is nice since can then embed anywhere (for example, on the wiki) and then you don’t need to worry about it working.

jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

The SpringCharts lab module that we use receives results from LabCore - one way. The orders are entered by a LabCore phlebotomist who works in an independent kiosk mode within our office. I have not observed the actual interface that she uses, but will make note tomorrow.

I hope one day that all of our medical care data will have the capacity for bidirectional flow - as freely as the waves on the beach. HL-7, is as close to a standard as there is and perhaps will some day get us there. Or will it be HL-8? I look forward of course to MDSupport’s contribution.

In the meantime, I believe Dr Bowen funded a lab interface through MI2 that might be available (purchase, lease, only for MI2 clients)? Comments Tony, Nate?

jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

Ahoy Pimm,

You are very ambitious! I don’t know how that translates but it’s meant as a compliment. An index of tutorials, videos and other media, would be wonderfully useful. My specifically requested topics are much more narrow in scope and may not exist at present. Thanks Jack

bgregg wrote on Monday, December 09, 2013:

Here is the demo for NewCrop eRx:

jcahn2 wrote on Monday, December 09, 2013:

This is excellent. Can you include a screen save (here) of how it is accessed from the patient encounter or patient summary page? Can we add a link to the video on the wiki?

Pimm, are you making notes?

BTW it’s a heck of a lot easier to find openemr stuff searching the whole web with Google than it is searching the wiki. I know that has been brought up before. Is that fixable?

blankev wrote on Monday, December 09, 2013:

Given the time and payment, everything is possible! But from my part I only can compile, try to make something readable and include whatever you “OpenEMR Developers” and Users present as almost ready text to include in the Wiki.

Oue OpenEMR Wiki encyclopedia is so extensive that most topics discussed are included but it is a hell of a search to find the correct lines of information. We need a search engine of OpenEMR to search in the Wiki text en engine of Open source search capacities… LOL…

Gr, Pimm (I will see what I can do!

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 09, 2013:

Brad’s NewCrop video link has just been inserted into the E-prescribe page.

Ya’ll git 'em, we 'sert 'em. (Didn’t live in the American South long enough to get the correct cadence and nuance. Just a Yankee pretending.)

The Wiki search engine is not too bad, much better than here at the Forums; but the Forums search engine was even worse before Allura. Things are getting better. Remember the bad old days when we were not able to edit.

Google’s NAV is 1,078.14. If they had a lousy search engine and had been unable to monetize all those clicks, they would be a non-entity today. If OpenEMR had the same stock price, the search engine would be even better than Google’s.

Money makes the world go round; but capital plus philanthropy make it spin faster.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, December 09, 2013:

I converted the youtube link to an embedded youtube video on the wiki page.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, December 10, 2013:

Always look at the bright side/site, but I see so many discussions on topics and wonder why don’t they read the Wiki pages…, but it keeps the Forums alive and kicking.