aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, February 29, 2012:
On the most current demo fee sheet, there is no supervising provider, nor is there an authorized checkbox. I went to the demo to obtain screenshots for writing documentation, as our version had different data that the fee sheet collects for non-billing providers and contractor pay, and has also nixed the supervising provider. The auth box is a primary piece of our workflow though (we use it as normally unchecked) to flag it for the biller to review before submission.
My intention was to document what the individual input fields actually affect. “Rendering Provider” actually means “Billing Provider” just like “Billing Facility” is related to “Facility”. Vanilla OpenEMR does not allow you to document the actual worker for a line item if that provider’s NPI is not also billable, and I feel this needs explanation for situations that differ from the typical family practice. I also wanted to document how using the supervising provider, the auth box, and the line-item providers affects billing output, where the data is stored, and how it is used.
No point doing this if all that is changing, right?
Is this going to be the future standard version? Are we going to continue to support supervising providers? Is the auth flag idea going away rather than getting fixed and made a configurable option for folks that want to have their billing scrubbed? Of course, I know that was not the original intent of the auth box, and I know the encounter authorizations system is essentially broken, but I am pretty sure there is supposed to be some utility that allows physician extenders and the like to enter data that must be “signed off” to make it official.