Delete/Edit Issues Patient Encounter Screen

drkay wrote on Wednesday, January 16, 2013:

Would it be possible to add a way to delete an issue/issues from the Patient Encounter screen? This is what I am using to document the patient’s diagnosis at the end of the visit. Often, I make a misspelling or I accidentally press enter before entering the diagnosis code or something else (like whether the issue is first, or chronic, etc.) I can navigate back to the Issues page, but that requires 3 clicks and waiting for 3 pages to load to correct my error.

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, January 30, 2013:

I could not find any solution but one, and that is deleting the unwanted data from openemr_postcalender_events table using phpmyadmin tool.

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, January 30, 2013:

Oops! Sorry! Wrong suggestion…actually I was looking for deleting provider event from calender, and by mistake replied here.

I have the same issue and not able to delete or edit a link/add issue on the patient’s encounter window.