Default Facility in Calendar

midder wrote on Saturday, September 11, 2010:


I just upgraded to V 3.2. I have 2 facilities supported in my OEMR instance. It seems that no matter what I do, the facility that is always selected when I go to the calendar is the one I don’t want. Is there a way to set this preference? Is it by user?


juggernautsei wrote on Saturday, September 11, 2010:


If I am not mistaken, default facilities are set in the users section. Go to administation > users > and select edit on the provider account. There you should see default facility. Select which facility you want to be the default one ( the one that is picked first) for the provider. Let me know if this solves what you are looking for.


midder wrote on Saturday, September 11, 2010:

Yes that’s what I did. And my user (the admin user) has default facility “A” chosen. But whenever I go to view the calendar, I see “B” by default and always have to manually switch back to “A.”

Has anyone else seen this problem? Is it possible that my upgrade went bad somewhere? I upgraded from 3.0.1 to 3.1 to 3.2.

midder wrote on Sunday, September 12, 2010:

Just an update. I went ahead and installed a clean version of OEMR V 3.2. It does not have this problem, so something must have happened in the upgrade process. I have attempted this upgrade twice and have had this same issue both times. Has anyone else run into this?

millerdad wrote on Wednesday, September 15, 2010:

I have the same problem.

midder wrote on Tuesday, September 20, 2011:


Sorry to resurrect my own thread here.

I have now moved on to version 4.0. I am hoping to add a new facility and be able to set preferences for that facility at the user level. One thing I am finding is that if a user has access to both facilities, they will always see just one of them by default.

For example, I have facility A and facility B. When I first go to the calendar, I see facility A. If I then select facility B, I can see the calendar for that facility. However, if I go to the next day, or navigate somewhere else and then return to the calendar, I always see facility A.

Is this a known issue? Do others have the same issue? If so, how do you deal with it? If not, what are the best guesses on what I can change?


midder wrote on Wednesday, September 21, 2011:


I installed a fresh copy of the latest version of OpenEMR and created 2 new facilities. This same behavior exists in a new version, so it’s not an issue with my upgraded version (which started at 2.83). It would seem to me that this is clearly a bug.

How do people get around this issue? Do you not use the multi-facility feature? Do you just create new instances of OpenEMR for different locations?


mdsupport wrote on Thursday, September 22, 2011:

It is probably selecting first based on the order in which facilities were created .  Can you describe the process where you need a default facility changed based on user setting?

midder wrote on Thursday, September 22, 2011:

Sure. Although I don’t need it changed based on user setting, I need it changed based simply on what was selected previously. If I have staff who work in both facilities, I don’t want them to have to select facility 2 every single time they make a selection on the calendar. If they work in facility 2 on Thursdays and Fridays, I want them to be able to work in that facility’s calendar. As it is now, when they select facility 2 for Thursday, it brings up that day’s information, but when they click on Friday, or select another provider in the list, the calendar then reverts back to facility 1. It makes no sense at all.

Am I making too much of this issue? How do others deal with similar scenarios?

Thank you for the reply.


juggernautsei wrote on Friday, September 23, 2011:

I am not understanding because I have a client with 5 facilities and when the front desk person logs in, they see all 5 calenders at once. Calenders are shown per provider and not by facility. To the left of the schedule is a list of providers and be default all providers are shown when a person logs onto the system and be default the calendar is where everybody lands first. If you don’t see all providers, I would suggest in the user profile checking the box for calendar for each provider. Then when the staff logs in they will see the calendar for each provider. Navigating away and back will produce the same results.

Main thing is that calendars are based on providers and not facilities.

Open Med Practice .com

midder wrote on Friday, September 23, 2011:

Thanks for the reply, Sherwin.

I think I’m starting to understand. I was thinking that when you selected from the facilities drop-down that the calendar would then display for that particular facility. It sounds like the desired logic is to display just the providers associated with the facility. I think that I just have a training issue on my hands here where I need to instruct the front office staff to select the providers they want to “manage” for their particular location for that particular day.

It still seems odd to me that a selection would be removed/changed after a post. But I can deal with that.

Thank you for explaining.
