Database table for calendar

Which database table contains entries for the calendar? Additionally, is there a documentation of what’s the purpose of each table?

Clinical log rules got corrupt and this lead to a couplelof issues with the db

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 5.0.1

I’m using: Firefox

Operating System
I’m using: Ubuntu 16

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What I am trying to do:
For now, what matters most to me is that I get the appointments in the calendar. Can someone point me to the correct table to restore? Alternatively, is there a documentation of what’s the purpose of each table?

Unless you post the specific error(s) community cannot help.

I put the question on the top now

New tables may be missing but here is the list.

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A few things: I noticed that you are using Ubuntu 16. You definitely want to upgrade to Ubuntu 18, but not 20. 501 has trouble working with Ubuntu 20.04 because of the MySQL version.

The tables that handle the calendar and appointments are listed here:


The events table lists the appointments and it references the categories table. Many of the columns in the postcalandar table use a “pc_” in the column title.

I hope this helps.

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openemr_postcalendar_events is the one I was looking for. Thanks